sabato 6 ottobre 2018

Learn by heart (il cuore della memoria)

I like to explore and feel The differences between my language and another one.

One of my favourite expressions is: learn by heart. 'Cause if you repeat mechanically and you don't feel it, well I guess there is hardly any chance to repeat it years after. I love the debate about it.

Il cuore della memoria 
The heart of memory

1 I don't know how many poems I was obliged to learn at school (imparare a memoria), but I know I can't repeat a complete one today in my language.

Two different matters.

I don't pretend to remember the whole Rime of the Ancient Mariner, but it's the ballad shining in my heart (with a little help from Iron Maiden) due to my devotion to Coleridge.

Sì, mi hanno aiutato gli Iron Maiden ad apprendere con il cuore Coleridge.

2 And perhaps water is the other key. The only poem I can completely repeat is Heine's Lorelei.

I don't think anybody forced me to learn it "a memoria" this song between the river and the rocks.

But my heart did it and I had to obey.

Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten

Non so che significhi...

Ps with my love and gratefulness to my Dad who supported my love for languages.

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